Tips To Maximize Your Productivity in a Coworking Space

March 2, 2023

Coworking spaces are the hottest new trend that provide an ideal blend of flexibility, comfort, and endless networking opportunities. Offering an atmosphere charged with energy and enthusiasm, coworking offices are a great way to boost your productivity and creativity. Working in a visually stunning and innovative space while connecting with like-minded individuals can alleviate the […]

Coworking spaces are the hottest new trend that provide an ideal blend of flexibility, comfort, and endless networking opportunities. Offering an atmosphere charged with energy and enthusiasm, coworking offices are a great way to boost your productivity and creativity. Working in a visually stunning and innovative space while connecting with like-minded individuals can alleviate the monotony and loneliness of remote work.

However, getting caught up in the excitement is easy if you’re new to coworking. The social component of coworking spaces can occasionally be a hindrance to productivity. Do you want to maximize your time in a coworking environment without being distracted? Let’s explore some tips that will enable you to take advantage of its social benefits while still maintaining high productivity levels.


Create A Schedule

Working in a coworking environment makes it easy to get distracted and lose sight of your goals, especially when those around you might not have the same deadlines. Planning your day, managing your time, keeping track of your accomplishments, and holding yourself accountable is essential for increasing productivity. Bringing a detailed task list to the coworking space will help you stay focused and avoid unnecessary interruptions. It will also encourage accountability and help in maintaining your focus.


Prioritize Your Tasks

To structure your day in the most effective way possible, it’s best to begin with the most challenging and complex tasks. While it’s important to check emails and messages, it’s best to prioritise important tasks once you’ve settled into your coworking space. Getting things done quickly and effectively is necessary for productivity. If you leave complex tasks until the end of the day, you might lack the energy to complete them or run into unexpected problems that would prevent you from finishing crucial tasks on time.


Keep Your Work space Clean & Organised

It’s crucial to keep your desk clean and clutter-free. Maintaining a neat and aesthetically pleasing workspace can significantly affect productivity. An organised workspace allows easy access to required tools and resources, saving time and reducing frustration. Personalising your desk with pictures of loved ones, plants, inspirational quotes, or personal mementos can cultivate a sense of individuality that fosters productivity. Moreover, an orderly workspace can establish a professional impression on clients and coworkers, creating a more favourable work environment.


Tune Out the Noise & Minimise Distractions

Noise is a common distraction in coworking spaces, often delaying task completion. To maintain focus, it’s crucial to minimise surrounding noises. Headphones can be effective for those who prefer to listen to music while working. This will enable them to concentrate without being disrupted by conversations at full volume. Even if there is no music playing, wearing headphones might give the impression to others that you are deeply focused on your work and should not be interrupted.

Communicate with Other Members During Work Breaks

Sitting at your desk all day, staring blankly at your monitor, can be exhausting and counterproductive. Taking breaks in between tasks is essential to refresh and reset your mind. Dedicating time to socialising and networking with other coworking members is also important. Instead of engaging in small talk, focus on building genuine friendships and working relationships, which could potentially lead to a valuable partnership.


Optimise Your Work with Technology

There are various technological advantages to working in a coworking environment that might increase productivity. They give users access to various productivity tools to help organise and manage daily tasks, especially for professionals working in shared environments. The adaptable planner apps allow managing time efficiently while taking notes, visualising data, setting reminders, and doing other crucial tasks.


Practice Self-care

Prioritising self-care can foster a positive environment, promoting better collaboration and networking opportunities in a coworking space. By practising self-care, you can avoid burnout and exhaustion – two typical factors that lower productivity. Engaging in stress-reducing activities, such as meditation, for a few minutes can help clear your mind and improve your focus.


Whether you work from home or in a coworking space, it’s essential to maintain self-discipline and hold yourself accountable for completing your tasks. You can optimise any workspace and boost your output by implementing our productivity hacks.


Why Choose GO Bermondsey for A Productive Day at Work?

GO Bermondsey coworking space in London provides a place to be productive and become part of a community of creative and innovative individuals. Our workspace offers an ideal blend of comfort and modern design, enabling employees to perform at their highest level.

Located on Tanner Street in London, GO Bermondsey’s flexible workspace has all the desirable features of a top-notch coworking office space. With fully-furnished private offices, high-tech meeting rooms, dedicated desks, and flexi desks, we offer an ideal environment for teams to collaborate and stay focused. Contact us today to schedule a tour of our collaborative workspace!

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